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Injured leg cured with Gamat Jelly

Wound on the patient's leg before taking Gamat Jelly
Patient's leg after taking Gamat Jelly

PUAN Halimah has suffered from diabetes for several years and ail efforts and pains were taken to cure that disease but with no encouraging results. A lot of expenses were incurred to cure the discase. It happened when she accidentally kicked a sharp object in front of her house. Her left leg toe started to swell. She consulted several traditional doctors and tried various traditional medicine without success

Unfortunately, her left leg continued to swell further making her movements difficult and restricted. She suffered immense pain when her toe wound worsened. To reduce the pain she took pain killers bought from a nearby shop where she stays. The painkillers were temporarily effective and she was in pain again. Due to the pain she was going through, she consulted a doctor in Selama, Perak. She was advised by the doctor to amputate her toe. However, Puan Halimah had no desire to lose her toe but rather leave it as it was then to be cripple

Puan Halimah was then introduced by someone to Gamat Jelly. At first she had little faith in the product, as to what effect a juice could do to cure her legs. After much convincing from the persont, she decided to try the product. However, after a short period of consuming the Gamat Jelly she noticed changes in her wounds. It dried up the pus on her wounds. It also reduced the swelling of the toe and other parts of her legs. Since then, she began to believe in the product and it is a must for her to consume the Gamat Jelly. Smilingly, she said: “it is a must for me to consume Gamat Jelly or my life is incomolete.

She also wishes to advice others who suffers the same fate to start using Gamat Jelly immediately as it would be foolish not to try something new but rather lose part of their organs.

” like me, I did not believe in the product but after trying it I know of the effectiveness of the Gamat Jelly. It is not because I am trying to promote the product but only trying to help others who suffer the same fate I did”, said Puan Halimah.

The picture below (right) showed improvement of Puan Halimah toes after consuming Jelly Gamat.

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Luka Kemalangan

Luka akibat terkena kaca ketika kemalangan


This young woman was injured in a car accident where glass from the car windows penetrated here skin. After taking product based on sea cucumber (Gamadulin), her skin recovers in only 6 days without any surgery.

Luka sembuh setelah menggunakan produk gamat
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Clove (Eugenia carphyllata) is the bud of a tropical evergreen tree. Its sweetening deodorizing properties have long been used externally in potpourris, incense and air fresheners. Clove can also be used as an internal deodorizer, freshening the breath and reducing body


odour.Clove has has pungent and heating properties. It functions as an analgesic, expectorant, stimulant and carminative. Clove has anti-fungal properties useful for treating athlete’s foot and it deodorizes the mouth and breath. As an anaesthetic it has been used in treating toothache.

Conditions treated: Clove is recommeded for colds, cough, asthma, laryngitis, pharyngitis, toothache, indigestion, vomiting, hiccups, low blood pressure and impotence. Clove tones muscles and expectant mothers are recommended to eat cloves in the last month of pregnancy to strengthen the uterus. It can be taken as an oil, a compress, inhalation, massage oil, lotion, spice and tea.

Clove can be use with other herbs such as cardamom, cinnamon, lavender, ginger, orange and bay leaf 

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Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is a stimulating plant which eases the brain, respiratory and digestive system. Added to milk, cardamom will neutralise mucus-forming properties; added to coffee, it detoxifies caffeine.

Cardamom is a stimulant, an expectorant, a diaphoretic, and has aphrodisiac properties. Cardamom aids the digestion of fats and starches, stimulates the spleen and calms acid stomach and acid regurgitation. Cardamom suppresses vomiting when eaten with banana.

Cardamom aids respiratory problems such as coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma and loss of voice. It also helps the digestive system in cases of vomiting, belching and indigestion.

Cardamom can be take as additive to milk and food, as a bath, inhalation or massage oil.

Cardamom blends well with orange, anise, caraway, ginger and coriander.

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Derma-X Effects

Picture below (left ) showed a 13 year old boy who sufered from psioratic plaques that had been spreading on his scalp for the 2 years. He had been attended by skin specialist but there was no improvement. The picture below (right) showed improvement on the boy’s scalp after using Derma-X for 2 months
