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Healin Anti-Dust Mite Spray

500 ml
[en]Biodegradable and environmentally friendly. It is non-toxic, child, pet and maid safe. Contains the chemical benzyl benzoate that kills the dust mites. Approved by the authority to be used as the anti dust-mite, is to be applied to carpets, sofas, cushions and even curtains, every four months and then vacuumed up
It is perfume and toxic free, odourless, non staining, safe t9o be use on any fabric and 100% biodegradable

RM 58.00 (Peninsular Malaysia)
RM 66.70 (Sabah and Sarawak)

Direction of use :
Vacuum soft furnishing like mattresses, pillows, fabric upholstery, rugs, furry toys, carpets, curtains and any item to be treated. Spray evenly over the top side of the mattress and all side of all other furnishings. [/en]

[ms]Selamat digunakan, tidak bertoksin dan tidak merbahaya kepada kanak-kanak dan haiwan peliharaan. Diluluskan oleh Agensi Perlindungan Persekitaran Amerika Syarikat(EPA) yang dapat membantu membunuh kutu hama. Disemburkan pada fabrik, tilam, bantal, permaidani, perabot dan kawasan lain berisiko setiap 4 bulan dan boleh menggunakan vakum.Ianya tidak mengandungi pewangi dan toksid, tiada bau, tidak meninggalkan kesan (stain), selamat digunakan ke atas kebanyakan fabrik dan 100% terurai secara biologi.

RM 58.00 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 66.70 (Sabah dan Sarawak)

Cara Penggunaan:
Vakum tilam, bantal, perabut, permaidani, hamparan dan lain-lain sebelum disemburkan dengan cecair anti-kutu hama dan tunggu sehingga kering. [/ms]

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 [en]Healin Allergicover is made of a special fabric that is designed to trap dust mites and their fecal pellets in the mattress or pillow. The use of this unique anti-allergy bed linen reduces the concentration of house dust mite allergens in the indoor atmosphere. The use on mattress will provide the user with a more comfortable sleep and eliminate sensitization to house dust mites. Itchiness due to allergy is eliminated when exposure to house dust mites is reduced.The Healin Allergicover fabric has many unique properties including: Guaranteed House dust mite proof, No chemicals used, Allergen resistant, Moisture permeable, Antistatic, Comfortable polyester blend fabric, Tear resistant, Long lasting for more than 5 years, Washable even up to 600C, Special industrial zip, Flaps and seams to prevent dust mite escape.Approved and tested by independent laboratories in EEC, this mattress and pillow covers have been proven to reduce allergic symptoms such as runny nose, skin rashes and other related symptoms caused by bugs at home. Made of special fabric that is designated to trap dust mites in the mattress or pillow. The use of this unique anti-allergy bed linen reduces the concentration of house dust mite allergens in the indoor atmosphere.

The use on mattress and pillow will provide the user with a more comfortable sleep and eliminate sensitization to house dust mites. Itchiness due to allergy is eliminated when exposure to house dust mite is reduced.


Pillow Cover – Single Sheet (Dimension: 54 x 76 cm )
RM 64.90 (West Malaysia)
RM 74.90 (Sabah and Sarawak)

Bolster Cover – Single Sheet (Dimension: 69x 107 cm )
RM 73.00 (West Malaysia)
RM 81.90 (Sabah and Sarawak)

Single(Dimension: 117 x 31 x 198 cm )
RM 296.00 (West Malaysia)
RM 259.90 (Sabah and Sarawak)

Queen(Dimension: 163 x 31 x 198 cm )
RM 296.00 (West Malaysia)
RM 340.40(Sabah and Sarawak)

King (Dimension: 193 x 31 x 198 cm )
RM 386.00 (West Malaysia)
RM 443.90 (Sabah and Sarawak)

Direction of Use:

Vacuum all mattresses and pillows that are to be covered Apply a light mist of Healin Anti Dust Mite Spray Wait for it to dry (normally within 2 hours) Cover Mattresses and pillows with Healin Allergicover (For best protection, cover all mattresses and pillows in the house).

Make sure that the inner protective flap lies flat against the full length of the zip and does not obstruct the zip when fastening. Use the Healin Allergicover to enclose both the mattress and the protective layers Put normal bed linen over the Healin Allergicover and use normally Protect the Healin Allergicover from damage by sharp or protruding objects.

When required, hand wash the Healin Allergicover or wipe down with a damp cloth Dries rapidly after wash and can be reused immediately afterwards Vacuum the mattresses and pillows and mist lightly with Healin Anti Dust Mite Spray before re-applying the Healin Allergicover. [/en]

[ms]Sarung tilam dan bantal ini diuji dan diluluskan oleh makmal bebas di EEC. Mampu mengurangkan ketepuan gejala punca dari alahan kutu hama di persekitaran rumah seperti hidung berair dan alahan kulit. Direka dari fabrik khas untuk memerangkanp kutu hama di dalam tilam dan bantal. Penggunaan fabrik ini memberikan anda tidur yang lena serta bebas dari alahan di dalam persekitaran rumah.Ianya Kalis kutu hama (diuji dan diluluskan oleh makmal bebas di Amerika Syarikat). Tanpa bahan kimia, ahan punca alahan, anti statik
Fabriknya yang selesa boleh dibasuh sehingga 60.C. Tahan koyak dan zip tahan lasak serta di jaminan 1 tahun dari sebarang kerosakkan. Bertindak mencegah alahan disebabkan oleh kutu hama dan menjadikan tidur yang lebih nyenyak


Pillow Cover – Single Sheet (Dimensi: 54 x 76 cm )
RM 64.90 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 74.90 (Sabah dan Sarawak)

Bolster Cover – Single Sheet (Dimensi: 69x 107 cm )
RM 73.00 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 81.90 (Sabah dan Sarawak)

Single(Dimensi: 117 x 31 x 198 cm )
RM 296.00 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 259.90 (Sabah dan Sarawak)

Queen(Dimensi: 163 x 31 x 198 cm )
RM 296.00 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 340.40(Sabah dan Sarawak)

King (Dimensi: 193 x 31 x 198 cm )
RM 386.00 (Semenanjung Malaysia)
RM 443.90 (Sabah dan Sarawak)

Cara Penggunaan:
Vakum tilam atau bantal sebelum menyarungkan Healin Allergy Cover. [/ms]